
Saturday, 23rd April 2005 by

Possibly the world's largest tagging - Dave has written his name across a field in Bunker Hill, IL. I guess he must have been really bored one day.


Update: We found Dave!

It turns out that Dave wasn't bored one day, it was Don...

I'm the Dave, but to correct the caption, it was my neighbor Don (a farmer) who wrote my name with his plow because I fly a gyrocopter in the area. My airstrip can be seen by scrolling about 1/2 mile northeast of the name. Don's farm and grass airstrip is about 1/2 mile south of the writing.

Dave was also kind enough to email me a couple of shots (Picture 1, Picture 2) taken from his Gryocopter.

Here are the snapshots I took during the few days the writing was in the field. Oddly the pictures from 100 - 200 feet in an open frame aircraft look very similar to the imagery from space when zoomed in.

New Dave shot