The Big Duck

Wednesday, 10th January 2007 by

It's been a long time coming to this site, but finally it's time to visit the *world famous**, Long Island New York Big Duck!


Seemingly adored by Long island residents, the Big Duck was built in 1931 by a duck farmer keen to promote his products (who apparently had the sense to patent his duck-shaped building). The Big Duck has eyes made from the taillights of a Model T Ford which glow red at night, and she's actually been moved several times during her lifetime.

Because of her proximity to New York City, the Big Duck is amongst the best known of America's roadside tourist attractions, and is also probably the reason that the term "duck" is now used in architecture to describe a building built in the shape of something associated with it.

* Nope, I'd never heard of it either 😉

More at Roadside America and Wikipedia, and thanks to Andy Affleck and JoeD.