Air Base Weirdness, Iraq

There's something very odd going on at this air base in Eastern Iraq. Quite apart from the aircraft parked on the runways, there's some serious image misalignment, and what on earth is going on with the colours? Thanks to Marc…

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Thursday, 30th June 2005

Burning Oil Fields

An incredible image here of burning oil fields in Iraq, just north of Basra. Zoom out to see how far the plumes of smoke have travelled, and zoom in to see how huge the fires are. Thanks to Sean, Jason…

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Thursday, 30th June 2005

Blue Mountain

This is the Blue Mountain ski resort outside of Palmerton, Pennsylvania (although there's nothing very 'blue' about it). That sure is some excellent snowmaking facilities they've got though! It might be interesting going skiing or boarding and looking out at…

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Thursday, 30th June 2005

The SeaWorld Chain

SeaWorld is a chain of theme parks featuring killer whale, sea lion and dolphin shows. When I first read about SeaWorld I was very confused by the fact that "Shamu", the chain's mascot killer whale, manages to appear twice a…

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Wednesday, 29th June 2005

RSS Feed: Oops

The RSS Feed should be back to full text again (it was on "summary" mode for a short while). Thanks to everyone who sent an angry e-mail demanding it changed back 😉

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Wednesday, 29th June 2005

Google Earth

Wow, Google Earth is pretty impressive. If you haven't heard about this yet, it is a cut down version of Keyhole that Google have released completely free. Google bought Keyhole last year and most of the recent mapping technology has…

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Wednesday, 29th June 2005

Welcome to Google Sightseeing!

Google Sightseeing takes you on a tour of the world as seen from satellite or street views using Google Maps. Our team of authors present weird and wonderful sights as suggested by readers.

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