Google Street View Sightseeing

Presumably wearing this little clothing while cycling is common in San Diego but you wouldn’t want to fall off!

Thursday, 14th May 2009

In direct violation of UK law the #streetview car takes photos of police officers- without even bothering to faceblur them!

Wednesday, 13th May 2009

Here’s a kid with a magnifying glass, who might either be trying to start a fire, or simply incinerating bugs

Wednesday, 13th May 2009

Methinks the junkies doth protest too much!

Tuesday, 12th May 2009

I’m no expert on cars, but I have a feeling that this one isn’t going to be going anywhere anytime soon

Tuesday, 12th May 2009

It was my birthday recently, and no one scrawled *me* a message in blood on a road sign.

Tuesday, 12th May 2009

Welcome to Google Sightseeing!

Google Sightseeing takes you on a tour of the world as seen from satellite or street views using Google Maps. Our team of authors present weird and wonderful sights as suggested by readers.

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